Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Is Castro still alive?

Argentine President Cristina Fernandez met with Cuba's ailing former leader Fidel Castro on Wednesday, easing rumors that his health had badly deteriorated"

The big question on everybody's mind: Is Fidel Castro still alive? Can we trust the Argentine President with knowing the truth. Picking a woman president for the meeting is an obvious choice. (Women are more trustworthy and believable). Do we care if he is alive or not?
Fidel Castro is more than a man, he is a name and an image. His health is important because it claims the end of an ideal. As an influential political image, his name is associated with an ideology. His death means the culmination of that ideology and the beginning of a new ideology for Cuba.Even if he is very sick and probably not able to carry any decision, In Cuba there will no change until his death can be proclaimed officially. Although Raul Castro can be seen by many as the next Castro, it's very unlikely He is yet to show any unique opinion on any subject.


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